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5 June 2019

Fortescue launched In Home Child Care program in Port Hedland

Fortescue Metals Group has launched an In Home Childcare program in Port Hedland to help families balance work and caring responsibilities.


Fortescue Metals Group (Fortescue) has launched an In Home Childcare program in Port Hedland to help families balance work and caring responsibilities.

The child care program, facilitated by YMCA, will consist of a pool of self-employed early childhood educators who will provide in home care for up to five children living in the same home. Fortescue has committed to support the recruitment, training and support costs for twenty early childhood educators over two years who will be exclusively available to Fortescue families. Parents are responsible for the cost of the care.

Chief Executive Officer, Elizabeth Gaines, said “Family is at the heart of Fortescue and integral to our unique, differentiated culture. With this in mind, we are focussed on implementing policies such as child care that help families balance work and family responsibilities, while fostering a workplace culture that truly embraces diversity.

“Many of Fortescue’s residential families have difficulty accessing traditional child care due to limited vacancies or standard operating hours not aligning with rosters. Not only does this impact an individual’s ability to work as much as they choose, it can limit the opportunity to attract and retain talent and diversity across our business, especially women.

“By increasing the availability and flexibility of in home care to our Hedland Operations team, we are providing a practical solution that supports women and men balancing work and family responsibilities and helps them reach their full potential,” Ms Gaines said.

Bryni Kelly, a Trades Assistant based in Port Hedland, is excited about the child care program and what it means for her family.

“I am lucky to be able to work a flexible roster so I can take my daughter to school every morning. I would like to progress to full time work but trying to find someone to care for her has been hard.

“As a single mother trying to do the best I can for my child, in home care would help a lot and enable me to move forward in my career,” Ms Kelly said.

The In Home Child Care initiative builds on the successful Fortescue Family Room. Established in August 2017, at the Perth office the Family Room has facilitated over 3,500 stays.