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Operational Site


Our flagship iron ore mine and production site, located in the Pilbara tenement area on Eastern Guruma and Yindjibarndi Country.

Operational Site Data

  • Location


  • Product


  • Capacity


  • Status


Our Solomon site is central to our iron-ore operations, with a workforce of over 2,200 people. The operation comprises of 2 ore processing facilities, Kings and Firetail.

More than 88% of our 98-haul truck fleet at Solomon is fully autonomous and managed from our Hive centre in Perth. Iron ore from Solomon is transported 300kms by rail to Herb Elliott port in Port Hedland, where it is shipped to customers around the world.


Decarbonisation at Solomon

Central to our commitment to decarbonising our operations, the Solomon site seamlessly integrates into the PEC network. The site’s advanced infrastructure and renewable energy solutions facilitate the green transition and achieving Real Zero.
  • On-site Electrical Infrastructure

    Design and construction are underway for the on-site electrical reticulation infrastructure at Solomon. The system ensures that renewable energy from the PEC network is delivered to where it’s needed on site.

  • Transmission Lines Integration

    Transmission lines connect Solomon to Iron Bridge and Port Hedland, facilitating the first phase of the Pilbara Energy Connect (PEC) Project. This infrastructure allows for the flow of renewable energy across site, reducing emissions and improving efficiency.


Zero Emissions by 2030

Real Zero is our plan to eliminate our scope 1 and scope 2 emissions across our Australian iron ore operations, without voluntary carbon offsets. For the benefit of our planet, our shareholders, and future generations.

Discover Real Zero
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Global Operations

Our Metals business includes iron ore operations in the Pilbara and exploration projects across the globe, spanning sites from Australia to Latin America and Gabon.

Our Operations