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Operational Site


An iron ore mining site operating in Nanutarra, Western Australia, 140kms west of our Solomon site on Puutu Kunti Kurrama and Pinikura Country.

Operational Site Data

  • Location


  • Product


  • Capacity


  • Status


Eliwana is located 140km west of our Solomon mine and produced its first ore in late 2020.

Eliwana’s fleet of 32 haul trucks are set to be fully autonomous and managed from our Hive centre in Perth by the end of 2025. Iron ore from Eliwana is transported 428kms by rail to Herb Elliott port in Port Hedland, supported by a workforce of over 1,000 people.


Decarbonisation at Eliwana

Eliwana is scheduled to be the first of our mine sites to fully transition away from fossil fuels, accelerating our decarbonisation efforts. With considerable investments in renewable energy infrastructure, this site is facilitating our journey to Real Zero. 

  • Battery Energy Storage System

    A 20MW/120MWh Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) is under construction to provide renewable energy to Eliwana and Flying Fish. The BESS ensures a constant supply of renewable energy, as it stores energy during the day to release at night.

  • Transmission Lines Integration

    Construction has commenced of approx. 140km of 220kV transmission lines, and necessary substations, to supply both our Eliwana and Flying Fish mining Hubs.


Zero Emissions by 2030

Real Zero is our plan to eliminate our scope 1 and scope 2 emissions across our Australian iron ore operations, without voluntary carbon offsets. For the benefit of our planet, our shareholders, and future generations.

Discover Real Zero
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Global Operations

Our Metals business includes iron ore operations in the Pilbara and exploration projects across the globe, spanning sites from Australia to Latin America and Gabon.

Our Operations