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Our Metals business comprises our iron ore operations in the Pilbara as well as a pipeline of exploration projects globally including Gabon in Africa, Latin America and Australia. Our three Pilbara mining hubs are connected by 760 kilometres of rail to Herb Elliott Port and the Judith Street Harbour towage infrastructure in Port Hedland. Each year we load and ship more than 970 carriers from Herb Elliott Port, significantly contributing to the port of Port Hedland’s status as the world’s largest bulk export port by tonnage.

As a major supplier of iron ore to the Chinese steel industry, we are now shipping at an annual rate of over 190 million tonnes with more than two billion tonnes of iron ore shipped since 2008. By 2030, our aim is to have our Australian iron ore operations running on green energy and achieve real zero terrestrial emissions (Scope 1 and 2). Separately, we have a net zero Scope 3 emissions target by 2040, addressing emissions across our entire value chain.

Operations highlights

> 2 bt

Iron ore shipped since 2008


Mining hubs


Km of rail


Autonomous trucks


Ore carriers

Explore Our Operational Sites

  • Operational Site


    Hematite and Magnetite


    Port Hedland

    Our purpose-built rail and port facilities on Kariyarra Country deliver iron ore to customers around the globe.

  • Operational Site




    Christmas Creek

    The home of Fortescue’s Green Energy Hub in the Chichester Ranges, located on Nyiyaparli Country.

  • Operational Site





    Fortescue’s flagship iron ore mine operating in the Chichester Ranges, located on Palyku and Nyiyaparli Country.

  • Operational Site





    An iron ore mining site operating in Nanutarra, Western Australia, 140kms west of our Solomon site on Puutu Kunti Kurrama and Pinikura Country.

  • Operational Site





    Our flagship iron ore mine and production site, located in the Pilbara tenement area on Eastern Guruma and Yindjibarndi Country.

  • FMG-230620-Iron Bridge-473

    Operational Site




    Iron Bridge

    Our magnetite mining operation, located 145km south of Port Hedland on Nyamal Land.

North Star Junction

A 60MW solar farm powers daytime operations at our Cloudbreak and Christmas Creek sites

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Integrated Operations Centre

Our Fortescue Hive is a purpose-built Integrated Operations Centre in Perth that includes our Mine Control and Systems, Port and Ore Processing Facility Control, Instrumentation and Process Control and Energy Operation teams.

The Hive brings together people, process and advanced technology across our value chain to remotely and safely control fixed plant and autonomous mining equipment, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, right across our Pilbara operations more than 1,500kms away.

The Hive is a key launchpad for Artificial Intelligence (AI) at Fortescue. We’re taking real steps to unlock the benefits of AI to transform and lift capability in strategically important areas. By harnessing the power of AI combined with Fortescue’s expert knowledge, we can make better, faster and clearer decisions to get more tonnes to market and increase our overall productivity.

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We have a number of exploration projects underway in multiple jurisdictions including Africa, Latin America and Australia.

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