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FMG-230620-Iron Bridge-473

Operational Site

Iron Bridge

Our magnetite mining operation, located 145km south of Port Hedland on Nyamal Land.

Operational Site Data

  • Location


  • Product


  • Capacity


  • Status


Our Iron Bridge facility produces a high-grade wet concentrate product which is transported to Port Hedland through a 135-kilometre-long specialist slurry pipeline.

Operated as an unincorporated joint venture between FMG Magnetite Pty Ltd (69%) and Formosa Steel IB Pty (31%), Iron Bridge is leading the way in sustainable magnetite production.


Decarbonisation at Iron Bridge

The Iron Bridge site is facilitating Fortescue’s transition towards Real Zero, becoming the first magnetite deposit to operate using renewable energy by 2030.

  • solar people

    The North Star Junction Solar Farm

    North Star Junction Solar farm supplies renewable power to the Iron Bridge grid.

  • Battery Electric Warehouse Fleet

    65% of Iron Bridge’s warehouse operations fleet is battery electric.

  • Battery Tooling

    Non Processing Infrastructure team exclusively uses battery tooling.


Zero Emissions by 2030

Real Zero is our plan to eliminate our scope 1 and scope 2 emissions across our Australian iron ore operations, without voluntary carbon offsets. For the benefit of our planet, our shareholders, and future generations.

Discover Real Zero
FMG-230620-Iron Bridge-574

Global Operations

Our Metals business includes iron ore operations in the Pilbara and exploration projects across the globe, spanning sites from Australia to Latin America and Gabon.

Our Operations